Friday 29 May 2009

Looks like it's going to be another slow week.

Don't know why it's coming off so slowly this week. Think perhaps my body has become used to this diet and it needs the change of eating something. That's another week away. Unfortunately the same week I am due my 810 week my period is also due, so it looks like the next 2 weigh-in's are going to be a bit of a washout.

Discovered that I can have 0% Greek Yoghurt instead of milk too. That's good because I don't have any tea or coffee to put milk in and I only have it on cereals, which I can't have on CD. Hopefully I can make a nice sauce for my chicken or quorn to make it more palatable.

I'm trying not to feel to envious of people who have consistently good losses but it's hard. They lose well, despite picking at food-yet I stay 100% and have maybe one fairly good week in 3. I suppose if I was doing any other diet I would have stayed the same or even gained for weeks on end. It's just hard when I know I've still got at least 5 months left on this diet.

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