Monday 8 June 2009

40lbs lost

Not much of a weight loss this week. I knew that totm would affect it, but I was hoping not by this much. I only lost 1 1/4lb, but I suppose a loss is a loss. I need to lose 2lb next week to finally be in the 12's and 3 stone down. As it's my 810 week I really hope that I do lose that amount. It feels really weird to finally eat something.

Can't say that what I can eat is great really. Didn't really enjoy my tea all that much. The chicken wasn't bad. As I don't have any way of using up the milk allowance I'm using the 0% Greek yoghurt instead-I marinaded the chicken in it, mixed with curry powder and ground coriander. I cooked some cauliflower in vegetable stock then blended it with another spoonful of yoghurt. I ate it but mash it aint.... I really didn't think it tasted that great. I want to try celeriac chips, but Sainsburys doesn't have any celeriac. I'm probably looking forward to that and won't like them either. I'm really trying to like these veg but it's really hard.

Tomorrow I'm going to have a chocolate tetra at work and a bar for lunch. Then I'll make a mousse when I get home to have for a pudding and cook the quorn and cauliflower a bit later on. I want to try and space it out a bit, to try to keep myself in ketosis if I can.

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